Policy Downloads
Anti Bullying Policy
We are committed to providing a school environment in which all students feel happy and safe. All forms of bullying will be challenged and it will be made clear that bullying is unacceptable.
Admissions Policies
Our policy seeks to meet the needs of all children and is determined with reference to the Coordinated Admissions Arrangements under which all children are admitted to schools in Year 7.
Following a determination by the adjudicator, we have updated our School Admissions Policy for September 2025-26. Please find below our School’s Admissions Policy and catchment area map.
Admissions Policy 2026-2027
Sale High School Determined Admissions Policy for 2026-2027
Sale High School Admissions Policy 2026-2027
Sale High School Catchment Area Map 2026-2027
Sale High School consultation comments and responses 2026-2027
Attendance and Punctuality Policy
Sale High School is committed to encouraging all students to have good attendance and excellent punctuality.
Assessment & Feedback Policy
Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process, informing planning to meet the needs of all learners and used to set aspirational targets.
Behaviour for Learning Policy
Students will learn best in a safe and calm environment that is free from disruption and in which education is the primary focus. The school expects high standards of behaviour and believes that children should be taught both at home and in school of what is expected of them.
British Values Guidance
The school is committed to promoting British values, these are defined as the following: democracy; individual liberty; the rule of law; mutual respect; tolerance of those with different faiths and belief.
CLA & PLAC Policy
The governing body of Sale High School is committed to providing high quality education for all its pupils, based on equality of opportunity, access and outcomes. The governing body recognises the need to champion performance, for children looked after (CLA) and previously looked after children (PLAC) and is committed to improving outcomes for them.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
At Sale High School we prioritise safeguarding all our students and have extensive policies and procedures in place to ensure we do.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
Watch the video to see the one way system in place for Sale High school students: https://youtu.be/WqcYh5wN3-0
This policy covers procedures for complaints from parents against staff of the school and aspects of school life not covered by other policies or by specific statutory requirements.
Curriculum Policy
Sale High School aims to deliver a curriculum that will provide our students with a broad range of essential knowledge and key skills, that is carefully ordered and sequenced in a way that enables students to know more and remember more. It will help students to develop characteristics which will equip them for success in school and beyond and will give them the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of high-quality experiences.
Data Protection
Our school aims to ensure that all personal data collected about staff, pupils, parents, governors, visitors and other individuals is collected, stored and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Data Breach Response Policy & Procedure 2025
Sale High School – Privacy Notice – Students Parents & Carers 2025
Sale High School – Privacy Notice – Governors and Other Volunteers 2025
Sale High School – Staff Fair Processing Notice 2025
Equality Duty Policy
The school is committed to promoting and achieving equality of opportunity for all students, staff, Governors and visitors. We believe that all people are of equal value and are entitled to equality of opportunity irrespective of age, disability, gender, gender reassignment or sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief.
Governor Charging Policy
The Governing Body are keen to ensure that charges are applied fairly and legally to students, to ensure that any additional activities offered by the school are financially viable, and that the school is meeting its legal obligations in terms of curriculum and pastoral provision.
Homework Policy
The School sets homework as a valuable way of helping students to review work done in lessons and of providing reinforcement and consolidation of learning. It can also enrich and extend their learning and encourages organisation and discipline in order to meet deadlines and fulfil a learning responsibility.
The policy covers procedures for the storage of student medication in school.
Mobile Phone
Sale High recognises that there may be genuine reasons for some pupils to have a mobile phone at school. However, we do not allow the use of mobile phones in school. Any pupil who brings a mobile phone into school, does so at their own risk.
Mobile Phone data Form
Fill | Request to Apply for a mobile data increase
This DfE scheme temporarily increases data allowances for mobile phone users on certain networks. This is so that children and young people can access remote education if their face-to-face education is disrupted. Schools can request mobile data increases for children and young people who: – do not have fixed broadband at home – cannot afford additional data for their devices – are experiencing disruption to their face-to-face education Children with access to a mobile phone on one of the following networks might be able to benefit: Three, Smarty, Virgin Mobile, EE, Tesco Mobile, Sky Mobile
Provider Access Policy
This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer.
Pupil Premium Strategy
This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.
School Uniform Policy
At Sale High School we believe the wearing of uniform helps to create a sense of community and establish a working environment.
SEN Policy
Sale High School is a fully inclusive school. We aim to ensure that all students can access a broad and balanced curriculum, including those with SEND. Every teacher in our school is a teacher of SEND, and every leader in our school is leader of SEND. We aim to achieve the best possible outcomes for our students and to foster the highest aspirations.
RSHE Policy
This policy covers our school’s approach to Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
Our school’s overarching aims for our pupils are to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds.
Teaching & Learning Policy
At Sale High school, we believe our core aim is to increase our students’ desire for learning, achieve their potential and achieve academic success.
Whistle Blowing Policy
This school is committed to creating a work environment with the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In view of this commitment, we encourage employees and others with serious concerns about any aspect of the school’s work to come forward and voice those concerns without fear of reprisal.