Home School Agreement

For more information about how you and your child can work together with the school please contact Mr M Cook, Director of Behaviour, Ethos and Attendance.


  • Seek financial efficiency and value for money
  • Draw up and publish a full set of school policies
  • Consult with, and report to, parents and carers
  • Ensure compliance with statutory obligations including Health and Safety Regulations
  • Monitor and review all aspects of the school’s work



  • Make sure our child attends school regularly, on time and in full and correct uniform
  • Ensure our child has all the necessary equipment and kit every day to fully participate in school life
  • Make every effort to attend school events and parents’ meetings
  • Keep our contact details accurate and up to date
  • Support the school and its policies as fully as possible
  • Work with the school to make sure our child behaves well
  • Encourage our child to have a positive attitude towards school and to always do their best
  • Make every effort to support our child’s learning at home, encouraging them to complete their homework
  • Avoid taking our child on holiday during term time
  • Read all correspondence from the school and respond quickly where necessary
  • Make the school aware of any problems which may affect our child’s learning or behaviour



  • Attend school regularly and on time. Be on time for lessons, equipped and ready to learn
  • Wear the correct school uniform with pride
  • Work to the best of my ability at all times
  • Show respect for others both in and out of school
  • Respect the school environment and the local community
  • Keep my work up to date and make sure my books are used properly and looked after
  • Record and complete homework on time
  • Be responsible for taking communications to and from school and home
  • Have a positive attitude towards, and participate fully in, the life of the school
  • Help to keep other students in the school safe by avoiding bullying behaviour and reporting any bullying incidents