Hidden Gems
Hidden Gems is a new and ongoing project that we have started at Sale High School, which identifies and celebrates the multitude of talent, commitment, endeavour, resilience and enterprise that our wonderful young people show in activities and commitments outside of school and in our wider community.
We are fully aware of how these qualities are exhibited in the classrooms, corridors and playing fields of our school, however, we are not always aware of the activities beyond the school gates and Hidden Gems will look to celebrate this on a regular basis.
Once our young people have been identified, we will ensure their talents are displayed on our Hidden Gems notice board, website, social media and the school screens, should the student and parents/carers be happy to do so. Mr Kelly will also conduct a short interview with these incredible young people to gain a more thorough insight into their achievements and seek advice, which might hopefully encourage others here at Sale High, and within our community, to follow in their footsteps.
Our inaugural cohort to Hidden Gems are our wonderful swimmers, who show incredible commitment and dedication to their sport and have achieved amazing levels of success in their swimming journey to date. Their profiles can be seen on all our Social Media platforms, including an interview with these wonderful young athletes.
If you have any questions regarding the Hidden Gems project, please feel free to contact us.