
We provide our students with a rigorous, broad and balanced curriculum.  We want our students to be informed about the world, to be enabled  to make the right choices to look after themselves and to go on to play their part as active and engaged citizens.

Curriculum Policy 

PSHE Curriculum 2023 – 2024

Key stage 3 Curriculum

The National Curriculum is taught in its full breadth and depth across our three year Key Stage 3. All students have equal access to a rich curriculum which includes art, drama, English, Geography, History, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, PE, PSHE and Citizenship, RE, Science and Technology.

Year 7

In Year 7 all subjects are taught in mixed ability groups. In addition to the subjects studied throughout KS3 Year 7 students also study digital skills.


Year 8

In Year 8 students are set into groups based on their current performance levels for maths and English. All other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.


Year 9

In Year 9 students are set into groups based on their current performance levels for maths, English, science and modern foreign languages. All other subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.


Key Stage 4 Curriculum


At Sale High School we see education as empowerment. Our curriculum is designed to help our students achieve their potential by achieving success in a wide range of high-quality qualifications which will open up a whole world of possibilities for them. We are ambitious for our students and our curriculum is designed to open up the most ambitious post 16 pathways for them. We ensure that students have the opportunity to gain qualifications that are valued by colleges, universities, employers and the government.

The school works closely with local FE colleges and sixth forms to make sure that the skills, knowledge and qualifications gained at KS4 fully prepare students for the routes they wish to take in the future.

All students study towards GCSE qualifications in maths, English language, English literature, science and Religious Education and all students take non-examined courses in PSHE and Citizenship and core PE. Choices made in Year 9 determine which courses students study having selected from a broad range which includes art, computer science, drama, design and technology, food preparation and nutrition, geography, health and social care, history, music, modern foreign languages, PE and triple science.



Here is an instructional video for submitting work on Satchel1 (SMHW):

You will find some helpful guidance and tips for exam preperation in our Sale High School Revision Guide 2022