
If at any time of the year you have concerns over your child’s progress or assessment please contact Mrs L Rainey, Assistant Headteacher, Raising Standards.

At Sale High School we believe from the moment a student starts Sale High School that they should have aspirational dreams, goals and targets. When students, parents and schools work together a child can flourish.

What we want to achieve

  • To acquire, develop and master skills and knowledge that are required for success in their GCSEs.
  • To incorporates summative assessment which supports continual formative feedback.
  • Allows the pupil to reflect on their learning and revisit if required.
  • Allows parents to support their child’s learning.
  • Clearly shows when students are on/not on track to meet their target so swift and effective intervention can take place whatever their year group

Assessment over a half term

  • One piece (two for KS4) of work will be marked every half term and detailed feedback given by the teachers on what you did well and what you need to do to improve.
  • Other work will be acknowledged, self or peer assessed
  • One assessment per half term based on grade descriptors
  • Teachers will be using and referring to grade descriptors. These will be available in exercise books and on the school website.
  • PLCs will be used at KS4.

Please follow the link for KS3 Success Criteria

KS3 Revision Event  Thursday 21st March 2024

Reporting to Parents

  • Assessment reports will be available 4x a year (2 of these reports will contain examination grades)
  • Assessment reports contain information to let you know if your child is on track to meet their aspirational Year 11 GCSE Grade, attitude to learning and homework for each subject.
  • There will be a Winter and Summer exam series each year and we will report % for each subject.
  • Year 11 will have an additional set of exams in March.
  • Once a year a full written report
  • Once a year parents evening
  • Parent Information evenings will support in the preparation for exams.

For more detail about assessment, reporting and how you can help your child please visit

Understanding Assessment at SHS

Assessment & Feedback Policy 


Parents Evening

Parents Evening takes place once per year for each year group. See the school calendar for dates. The majority of parents evening will take place online. All year groups will also have an additional ‘welcome evening’ where parents can meet their child’s form tutor. Parents Evenings provide an opportunity to meet your child’s subject teachers. Bookings can be made via the online booking system, accessed from the homepage, approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the date of your Parents Evening. For full instructions on how to book please follow the link at the bottom of the page.

Parents Evening Schedule 2023/2024

Year 7Thursday 7th March 2024
Year 8Thursday 25th April 2024
Year 9Thursday 16th November 2023
Year 10Thursday 29th February 2024
Year 11Thursday 25th January 2024

Welcome Evening Schedule 2023/24

Year 7Thursday 5th October 2023
Year 8Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Year 9Tuesday 10th October 2023
Year 10Thursday 21st September 2023
Year 11Tuesday 19th September 2023

KS3 Revision Event  Thursday 21st March 2024