
Homework Policy 2024 – 2026

For further information regarding homework please contact Mr J Reeve, Assistant Headteacher, Curriculum and Timetable

Homework is set by individual class teachers at least once a week per subject (some subjects have more lessons per week and so set more homework). Form tutors complete regular planner checks and will inform parents if you are not doing your homework. Each Head of House monitors a sample of planners and any cause for concern are followed through.is set by individual class teachers at least once a week per subject (some subjects have more lessons per week and so set more homework). Form tutors complete regular planner checks and will inform parents if you are not doing your homework. Each Head of House monitors a sample of planners and any concerns are followed through.

Homework is set via an online platform called ‘Show My Homework‘ which can be accessed via the homepage of the website.

Here is an instructional video for submitting work on Satchel1 (SMHW):https://youtu.be/glWz8zlv8Wo

Supporting your child at home

Supporting your child with homework is vital to ensuring the best outcome for them as they progress through school, it also allows you to see if there are any areas of concern that you think the school needs to be made aware of. Some of the ways you can support your child are:

Regularly login to ‘Show My Homework’

So your child knows that you are keeping well-informed and are monitoring their homework closely. Help your child to organise their time so they meet the published homework deadlines.

Show a positive interest

Show an interest in the work that your child is doing so that they know you are placing great value on it. You don’t have to be able to do the work yourself but you can praise work they have put a great deal of effort into and tell them if you spot anything that could be improved.

Ensure that your child has a good homework area

This means tt needs a flat surface, a good light source and the following resources available: pen, pencil, ruler, colouring pencils, paper, dictionary, scissors, glue and internet access when needed.

Help your child become an independant learner

Explain how to look up information or find a word in a dictionary rather than simply giving them the answer in order to get the task finished.

Limit screen time

Turn off the television and take your child’s phone off them while they are working. Limiting screen time will help to create opportunities for them to complete homework. Mobile phones can be a huge distraction for a young person trying to work on a challenging task.

Check their work

Is it really is the best that they can do? Is it well presented on good quality paper? Are drawings in pencil, writing in pen and would colour improve it? Is written work detailed and well explained? Have they used a dictionary or spellcheck to check any spellings?

Frequently Asked Quesions

What should I do if we are having difficulty accessing ‘Show my Homework’?

Contact the school network manager.

What should I do if my child is not completing his or her homework?

In most cases a conversation and monitoring will be enough. If not, some parents will choose to incentivise homework completion with praise or rewards while others will choose to issue sanctions at home when homework is not completed.

What should we do if we do not have internet access?

The school library has a large number of computers which are available for students to use to complete homework at break, lunch and after school. Local public libraries also have computers available for public use.

What should we do if my child has been absent when a homework task has been set?

The homework will have been published on Show My Homework so there is no need for a child to fall behind on homework as well as classwork. He or she should complete the task and see the teacher if there are any essential materials that have not been made available online.

What should I do if my child has not been able to complete their homework for a genuine reason?

Write a note or send an e-mail to the class teacher so they know your child has a genuine reason.

What should I do if I am concerned about the homework being set for my child?

In the first instance contact the class teacher for that subject. If it is a wider or persistent concern contact Mr Reeve.