Year 7 Admissions & Appeals

Admissions to Year 7 – September 2025

For further information on admission to Year 7 please contact the school reception on 0161 973 2713

Sale High School is an 11-16 foundation school and is a caring, supportive and aspirational school serving the local and wider community. We welcome all pupils regardless of their background and ability, challenging them to achieve their full potential.

Our policy seeks to meet the needs of all children and is determined with reference to the co-ordinated admissions arrangements under which all children are admitted to schools in Year 7.


All applications are made to the home Local Authority (LA) where the child lives. LAs will provide an application form to each parent which must be completed and returned by the due date to the home LA. Parents of pupils outside Trafford LA can apply for a place at Sale High School using the application form provided by their ‘home LA.’


The priority Catchment area for Sale High School is all residents residing within M33, WA14, WA15 and M32 postcodes and only Trafford residents residing in the M23 postcode as shown on the map link below,

Sale High School Catchment Area Map 2025-26 

The Published Admission Number for September 2025 is 210. Sale High School will admit students to Year 7 in September, up to the admission number.


Admissions Criteria

 All children whose Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan names the school must be admitted. If the number of other applications exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will apply:

  1. Looked After Children and all previously Looked After Children. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority, in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Previously Looked After Children are children who were looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order – Section 14A of the Children Act 1989 defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians). This includes children who have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted. A child is regarded as having been in state care in a place outside of England if they were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation or any other provider of care whose sole purpose is to benefit society.
  2. Children who live in the catchment area of the school who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of the applicant ’s proposed admission (this includes half/step/adopted/foster brothers or sisters, and any other children, who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit).
  3. Children who live in the catchment area of the school.  Places will be allocated in the following order:
    • Children resident in M33 postcodes and Children resident in M23 postcodes within the Trafford administrative boundaries
    • Children resident in WA14 and WA15 postcodes
    • Children resident in M32 postcode.
  4. Children who live outside the catchment area who will have a sibling attending the school at the time of the applicant ’s proposed admission (this includes half/step/adopted/foster brothers or sisters, and any other children, who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit).
  5. Children who live outside the catchment area.

If there are more applicants than can be accommodated at the school in criteria 1 to 5, places will be offered to those children in each criterion whose place of residence is nearest to the school.  Distance will be calculated in a direct straight line from the child ’s permanent place of residence to the school. The co-ordinates that will be used for Sale High School are 379842, 390864. For the home address the distance will be calculated using property co-ordinates provided from Trafford’s Local Land and Property Gazetteer (BS7666) (Royal Mail postal address Information may be used in some instances). In the case of a child living in a block of flats, co-ordinates will be obtained in the same way.

Where two or more applications cannot be otherwise separated the final place will be determined through a random draw conducted and scrutinised by persons independent from the School.

Home Address

 The place of residence means the address where the child normally and permanently lives on a full-time basis, not a temporary address or the address of any carer or relative. It is always assumed that the correct factual information will be provided when an application for a school place is submitted. However, proof of the child’s residency may be requested so that the application can be considered correctly alongside other applicants. In the case of parents who are separated the application will also be considered from the address where the child lives, even though the child may regularly spend some time at another address. Where it is claimed that the child’s residency is shared equally between two addresses parents may decide which address will be used for the purpose of the application.

Further information regarding our admissions policy and criteria can be found here

Sale High School  Admissions Policy 2025-26

Sale High School Catchment Area Map 2025-26


Year 7 Appeals 2025

If you were hoping for a place at Sale High School but have been unsuccessful, we advise you to initially accept the place you have been offered.

Trafford Council allocate places in Year 7 for September. Please follow the link to Trafford Secondary school admissions for more information on what to do next, including how to place your child on a waiting list.

You have the right to appeal to Trafford Council. If you would like to do this, please follow the link and complete the form for Sale High School: Secondary school admission appeals

Please note the deadline for submitting an appeal to Trafford Council is 16th May 2025. 

Click here to view the Sale High School Appeals Timetable 2025