
The governing body of Sale High School comprises of members of the local community who volunteer their time to improve the school and the outcomes of its pupils. Together with the headteacher, senior leaders and staff, the governing body share a vision and a determination to ensure that Sale High School offers every pupil the opportunity to succeed and reach their potential.

If you wish to make contact with the governors, or a member of the governing body, then please contact Emma Maguire on:

A message from the Co-Chairs of Governors

Sale High School is at the heart of the community it serves, and we are proud of the journey it has been on over the last decade, becoming the school of choice in the local area.

As a governing body, our aim is to ensure that the school continues to be led and managed well, and that every student succeeds as they travel on their journey through life.

We want the school to achieve the highest possible standards, whether it is around achievement of students, excellence in teaching and learning, student behaviour and attendance and the safety and health of everyone in the school community. We work together with the school staff to achieve this.

Governors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and bring our skills and experiences to the school to improve student outcomes, staff welfare, oversee the school’s finances, and to ensure the school estate is fit for purpose. We regularly meet at school and work alongside the headteacher, senior leaders, parents, students and members of the community.

Governors have a passionate commitment to the school and its success in the future. We want Sale High to give everyone the opportunity to succeed and for the school to continuously strive for improvement for the benefit of everyone.


Lisa Beattie and David Hopps

Co-Chairs of the Governing Body