
The Governing Body of Sale High School together with the headteacher, senior leaders and staff share a vision and a determination to ensure that Sale High School offers every pupil the opportunity to succeed and reach their potential. Governors may be contacted by writing to the school addressing correspondance for the attention of the clerk to the governors. If you are interested in becoming a school governor please contact Emma Maguire,

A message from the Chair of Governors, Graham Luccock

The Governing Body at Sale High School is clear that the school is a vital part of the community it serves. Governors play an important role within the school and work with the headteacher, senior leaders, parents, students and members of the community.

We are, in Sale High School, determined that the success of every student is our primary aim and the school will prepare them for the next steps in their lives around employment, education and their experience in the wider world. Governors are appointed from a variety of backgrounds to support the school and ensure that it is being led and managed well. Our role is also to see that the school achieves the highest possible standards whether it is around achievement of students, excellence in teaching and learning, student behaviour and attendance and the safety and health of everyone in the school community.

We meet regularly at school with the Headteacher and senior leaders as well as attending events such as parents’ evenings, concerts and open days. Our focus at meetings includes the improvement of students’ outcomes, overseeing the school’s finances and ensuring the school estate is fit for purpose. We enjoy and encourage meeting with parents to obtain their views on the school and will ensure their voice is heard through feedback where appropriate.

Governors, along with staff at Sale High School have a passionate commitment to the school and its success in the future. Education is the keystone of young peoples` lives and we want to give everyone the opportunity to succeed and achieve their individual ambitions. If you are interested in becoming a governor, either now or in the future, we welcome applications. Please contact the school and they will give you the relevant details and information.

Chair of Governors Annual Report

Sale High School Governor action plan 2023 – 2024

Schools Financial Benchmarking

Financial information

The Governing Body membership is as follows

Business Committee


Standards & Achievement


Pay Committee

David Hopps (Chair)


Lisa Beattie (Chair)


Graham Luccock


John Morten (Vice Chair)


Graham Luccock (Vice Chair)


David Hopps


David Wright


Liz Parry




Farah Chaudhary


Holly Waddell


Staff links: Adam Rogers


Vacancy x 2


Holly Cookson


Pay Appeals Committee


Hannah Hibberson-Davies










Graham Luccock (Chair)


Lisa Beattie (Vice Chair)

Staff links:

Adam Rogers

Sarah Hocking

Staff links:

Jon Williams, Louise Rainey, James Reeve, Adam Cree, Isobel Walter

Staff links:

Adam Rogers


Area of responsibility




SLT/staff links


Safeguarding & CLA/PLAC


Graham Luccock


James Scully


Behaviour and attendance


John Morten


Adam Cree/Sarah Kerrigan


Buildings & premises, Health & Safety


David Wright


Sarah Hocking/Adam Rogers


Careers advice


Graham Luccock


Jon Williams


Data tracking and pupil progress


Holly Waddell


Louise Rainey/James Reeve


Leadership and management


Graham Luccock/Lisa Beattie


Adam Rogers


Pupil premium


Lisa Beattie


Adam Cree/James Scully


Quality of teaching and learning


Holly Waddell/ Steve Hickman


Jon Williams/Claire Horn


School finance


David Hopps


Sarah Hocking


SEN and support


Holly Cookson


Isobel Walter/Liz Parry


Transition KS2-3 /KS4-5 and events




James Scully


Human Resources


Farah Chaudhary


Sarah Hocking


Digital lead


Hannah Hibberson-Davies


Adam Rogers