
Trafford Thrive in Education
Thrive is an external specific mental health service and can be accessed through a head of year referral. Please find more information below from Thrive.

We are a Mental Health Support Team based in Trafford education settings.
We support Sale High’s whole school approaches and offer activities to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
We offer staff and parent/carer training,workshops and assemblies for youngpeople and attend school events.
We offer advice and guidance to Sale High staff to promote young people’s mental health and wellbeing and to help with signposting and referrals to community services.
We provide direct support for young people at Sale High with mild to moderate mental health difficulties. We offer low intensity, cognitive behaviourtherapy (CBT) informed interventions on a 1:1 or group basis.
To find out more, please contact Lisa Conce, Assistant Headteacher – Inclusion and SEND

Thrive parent carer information
Please click here to access the dedicated information page on what to do if you are concerned about your child’s mental health. .